
Brickwoods Schools

Home About Brickwoods

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Brickwoods Website. This I hope will give you a flavor of the School and all that it offers our children. The memories still linger in my mind when we opened the doors of this beautiful facility which provides a very conducive environment for learning.

We offer the 8-4-4 system of education from Baby Class to Class Eight with emphasis on sports, music and performing arts to provide the best all round education that prepares our pupils for the challenges of an ever-changing world. We nature individual pupil’s talents to give them an edge while building their confidence.

I have always strongly believed that having this God-given opportunity to educate other people’s children is a privilege that brings with it a responsibility to instill a positive attitude in the pupils towards school life. We want children to own their education from an early tender age so that pupils begin to recognize the value of a good education.

I hope you will take time to visit our School so that you can experience the atmosphere and character of Brickwoods Schools: The special uniqueness that makes Brickwoods a School of Choice in Kenya.

Mrs. J. Mathenge
Director of Operations